How we work
We are not HR professionals. We are a collective of specialists from a range of backgrounds who work with Department Heads and Executive teams to supercharge their great work or support them with new ideas and thinking.
Our difference is our ‘C Suite’…creativity, collaboration and communication. We’re really good at all three. Its this powerful combination that drives change, or as we call it, movement.
The Five Movement Framework
Through a whole system upgrade, our proprietary ‘Five Movement’ organisational framework, builds new cultural paradigms and helps organisations enter the new world of work, building the adaptability and resilience this new world will demand. Based on human needs and desires, when applied at an organisational level evoke deep satisfaction and connection with workers motivating them to powerfully contribute to their organisation and the greater good. The Five Movements are like having the code to the operating system for human motivation and productivity.
Obligation to inspiration
What are the drivers or reasons why we work? Is it out of duty, just to earn an income, bring home the bacon? What if we created a new ‘why I go to work’ narrative and told each other different stories. Tales of gratitude, accomplishment and satisfaction. Can organisations become places of inspiration, fulfillment and growth? We believe they can.
Fear to flow
Is fear a key driver? Do your employees make decisions from a place of fear and apprehension. Is the blame game at play? How is this impacting your culture and your bottom line? How can we dissolve fear and hold the space for creating an energised focus, full involvement and enjoyment in the process driving creativity and performance?
Isolation to belonging
Do we feel connected at work? Or is there a feeling of being disconnected from others? Your team V’s my team? Silos and separation? How do we move into a state where we experience an authentic sense of community? How do we build thriving cultures and workplaces of choice, where individuals have the freedom to be themselves and the connected collective is the driving force?
Profit to profit meets purpose
Is profit the sole driver and are the purse strings behind driving every business decision? The collective workforce and consumers have spoken, they want and expect more. Profit as primacy is the old paradigm. The new world is one where profit and purpose meet and businesses play a role in social and environmental change and employees can have an impact through their work.
Work space mediocrity to work-space distinction
Does your physical workspace lack energy and inspiration? What are the qualities of your space? From offices, boardrooms and common areas to manufacturing facilities, tearooms and work stations how are your spaces supporting the wellbeing of your team. How do you think about your space and how can physical elements impact performance, creativity and satisfaction?

Our Process
Bringing our Five Movement Organisational Framework to life
Explore and assess
We go on an expedition, surveying your workforce, uncovering why they work and why they work for you. We explore your purpose language, communication channels, workplace environment, wellbeing or culture programs, organisational policies and philanthropic efforts to determine the health of your workplace. Based on the Five Movements, we take our findings and develop an insights report that builds the business case for investing in your people in new and creative ways.
Co-create and build
We partner with you to design a bespoke roadmap that will detail how we can initiate movement at every level (person, team and organisation). This phase includes a series of co-design workshops that explore desired outcomes, areas to prioritise and analysis of the behaviours and associated drivers in your organisation. At this stage, we will also work with you to enhance the relevant organisational systems and procedures to ensure alignment at a whole organisation level. Following the ‘co-creation’ process, we will develop a scalable bespoke program that includes a practical action plan of initiatives and recommendations for movement.
Activate and coach
We play at all levels to create the movement you seek. At this stage, we can support with project management and full delivery of a Ministry of Work program. Alternatively, we can coach your team to deliver the program, supported by our culture movement services.
Measure and map
We set up a range of ongoing measurements to enable evaluation and assessment of the program. This phase includes staff surveys, one-on-one leadership interviews, review of employee data and recommendations to adapt and improve program delivery.